Veterinarian Exams and Procedures Tips

Read these 15 Veterinarian Exams and Procedures Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pet Insurance tips and hundreds of other topics.

Veterinarian Exams and Procedures Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 235 ratings and 1 user reviews.

A New Pet Exam

When adopting a pet from the shelter they recommend taking it in for a new pet exam right away. If you do not already have a vet then you can use this opportunity to interview a vet and see if they are a good fit for you and your pet. During the pet exam you should find out how the vet feels about veterinary pet insurance and what plans they take. After you find out what plans the vet accepts, take a close look at what each plan covers and what it does not cover. Some plans cover almost anything with a co payment, while others exclude many diseases and accidental injuries. If you decide to get veterinary pet insurance remember that no plan covers preexisting conditions so it is better to get covered right away while the pet is young and without medical problems. Always remember that you get what you pay for when it comes to any insurance. The higher the premiums the more coverage you will get when you really need to use. it. The lower the premiums, the more you will pay out of pocket when it comes time to use the insurance


Your Dogs Annual Exam

As much as we love our animal family members, we often forget that they too should have an annual dog exam. This is to evaluate your pets overall health and also to catch any problems as quickly as possible. Some breeds are more susceptible to conditions than others and should probably be checked more often.

Imagine that though it has only been a year for you, your dog has aged six to seven years. When visiting your veterinarian he or she will ask some common questions such as ‘Have you noticed anything unusual about your dog’s behavior?’ As your dogs primary caretaker you will be the first to notice changes in behavior.

Some changes to look for are diarrhea, coughing, sudden incontinence or not waiting to be let out to use the bathroom. Other signs may be worms in your dog’s feces which could signify any number of worms which can easily be treated by your veterinarian. You should also notice if your dog has suddenly gained or lost a good deal of weight, believe it or not dogs are also subject to diabetes.

The veterinarian will also check your dogs ears for mites or any other condition, examine his teeth for good oral hygiene, as well as his eyes. Skin will also be thoroughly examined for any conditions that may not be obvious. Basically your veterinarian will do a head to toe dog exam, just as your own Doctor would do on you.

He or she will also make sure your dogs vaccinations are up to date and may make some recommendations based on their exam.

Are you familiar with veterinarian exams and procedures?

Your 30 second guide to veterinarian exams and procedures

Make sure that the pet insurance policy you get covers all the routine veterinarian exams and procedures. Veterinarian exams could be a complete pet health checkup with veterinary diagnostic tests included. That could be blood tests to check for anemia, white blood cell counts, blood sugar levels, heart worms, liver and kidney conditions.

Veterinary procedures could be minor examinations like eye, ear and throat examinations or slightly more difficult procedures like endoscopy,bronchoscopy or cystoscopy. In these procedures, an endoscope is passed. That may require mild sedation and anesthesia for a short time. So, there is an element of risk involved here.

Then, there are other veterinarian exams done to make diagnosis easier. These include veterinary imaging tests like X rays and ultrasound, CT and MRI scans. All these veterinarian exams may work out to quite a bit. If you have already taken a pet insurance policy for your pets that includes veterinary imaging tests, veterinary procedures and veterinarian exams, then going through any of these veterinary procedures may not work out so expensive for you. In fact, when you get a pet insurance policy for your pets, 80-90% of the veterinarian exam fees including expenses on pet prescription diets will be reimbursed. Remember, some companies promise to reimburse 100% of your veterinarian exam costs.

What is pre-paid vet insurance?

Pre-paid Vet Insurance

Pre-paid vet pet insurances is another way vets are maintaining pet health while serving their clients' needs. They work with a third party to create different plans for wellness care and routine pet exams, such as annual check-ups and vaccinations, etc.

Clients can choose from several different packages that fit their needs, and the packages all combine a number of medical procedures at reduced prices. The clients know in advance what their health costs will be, and can even pay before they visit their vet for a pet exam, shots, etc.

Pre-paid vet insurance makes it easier for pet owners to keep their pets healthy, and it helps doctors by educating their clients about pet wellness and the necessity for routine check-ups and exams.

Why should my cat have a pre-anesthesia exam?

The Pre-Anesthesia Exam

When your cat has an exam that requires anesthesia, it is a good idea to have a pre-anesthesia exam to determine the cat's overall health, and to ensure the health of the heart, kidneys, and liver, so they will not be damaged or affected by the anesthesia. The doctor will do a blood test to check the kidneys and liver.

This exam is especially important for cats with health problems, or a cat who has never had anesthesia before. If the doctor does not administer the correct amount of anesthesia, it can have devastating affects on the cat, so this pre-exam is extremely important.

Vet pet insurance should cover the cost of this exam. If you're in doubt, always check with your vet pet insurance company before you have any procedure. Today, anesthesia is not as dangerous as it once was, but you never know how your cat will react to the various anesthetics used today, so make sure not to skip this vital exam.

What are non-routine pet exams?

Non-Routine Pet Exams

Today, most veterinary hospitals resemble any large city hospital. They contain x-ray machines, CAT scan machines, surgeries, and patient recovery areas. Some even have their own labs where they can run tests and get the results back quickly.

That means your vet can do many non-routine exams in his office now, from echocardiograms to x-rays, lab tests, CAT scans, MRIs, and much, much more. Your pet can receive the same high-quality care that you do if you have a health concern.

Because of these non-routine exam procedures, vet insurance is necessary even for what you think might be a routine office visit. Veterinary pet insurance can help defray the costs of these non-routine exams, and can help you get the highest quality care for any of your pets.

What should I tell my vet during my dog exam?

Communication With Your Vet During Exams

Communication with your vet is a key ingredient in your dog's health. During your dog exam, remind your vet of any prior health issues your dog has had. Your vet may not remember each detail of prior treatment.

Also tell your vet how your dog is behaving, eating, drinking, eliminating, etc. All of these may seem minor details to you, but your vet may hear something that's not quite right, which can lead to a health problem you might not even be aware of. Don't be afraid to ask questions, either.

If you have vet insurance, they may have a list of preferred vets in your area. If not, ask friends and family who they recommend, or check with your local animal shelter for vets they recommend. Some vet insurance companies require you to see registered providers. If you're not happy with that provider, be sure to let your vet insurance company know.

What does a twice-yearly cat exam entail?

The Cat Wellness Exam

Experts recommend twice-yearly exams for dogs and cats to catch unidentified problems the owner might not be aware of before those health-related problems damage a cat's health.

The cat exam will usually consist of taking blood or other lab samples for testing, a dental check, a parasite check, listening to the heart and circulatory system, and an overall view of the cat and the cat's condition.

These exams don't take a lot of time, but they can make a real difference in the well being of your cat. The doctor gets an idea of how the cat's health is day-to-day, and can quickly assess any problems that might appear. Most vet insurance polices cover the cost of these plans. They understand that routine exams mean better health and fewer health problems down the road.

Why should my dog have a dental exam?

Pet Dental Exams

Part of your regular dog or cat exam should be a dental exam. The doctor will look at your dog's teeth, mouth, gums, and lips to make sure there no abnormalities or other health problems. For example, a lack of color in gums could mean your dog has anemia.

The dental exam will also look at the dog's teeth. Healthy teeth are white and clean. If your dog's teeth need cleaning, you can schedule a cleaning appointment with your vet during this exam. Most vet pet insurance covers the cost of regular dog exams and teeth cleaning, so you can keep your dog healthy and happy.

Teeth cleaning requires anesthesia for your dog, so ask your vet if there are any precautions or preparations you should make before your dog's appointment. Dental exams are a key part of keeping your dog healthy and happy.

Why should my pet have an eye exam?

Pet Eye Exams

Another important pet exam not to ignore is the pet eye exam. Pets can get many eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and many others, and at least some of these diseases can lead to permanent blindness.

Pets can't tell you when they can't see, or when they have blurred vision, and you may not even notice a gradual change in your pet's eyes. Many vet pet insurance policies cover wellness exams, or you can purchase extra protection to cover these twice-yearly exams. As pet owners continue to take better care of their pets, veterinary pet insurance will play an increasingly important role in pet health and veterinary care.

Why should I create a wellness plan for my pet?

Vet Wellness Plans

More pet owners are discovering that managing their pet's wellness can add additional years to their pet's life. Creating a wellness plan should be the goal of every pet owner. Most vets will help you create a plan that meets your pet's needs and your own concerns.

This is especially important if you own a breed of dog or cat that is prone to certain illnesses. If you don't know if your breed falls into this category, check with your vet. Vet insurance can help with the costs of these wellness plans in many cases, because more vet insurance plans are now covering preventative medicine as well as accidents and diseases.

Most vets urge owners to bring in their pets twice a year for an exam. It only takes a few minutes, but it can add years to your pet's life. It can also bring you peace of mind that you are doing all you can to make your pet as healthy as possible.

Do experts really recommend two vet visits per year?

The Responsibility of Pet Ownership

Pet ownership is a job, but as any pet owner knows, it is also a responsibility. Pets require attention, care, and love, just as humans do. They also require pet health care. In the past, a majority of pet owners have only visited their vets when there was an emergency or health problem.

Today, more pet owners are engaging in pet wellness care that helps prevent some problems before they start. Vets are encouraging this wellness care too, because they know it helps create happier healthier pets. Many experts now recommend two vet visits a year, and vet pet insurance can help defray the costs of these visits if they cover office visits and routine care.

Pet owners want their pets to live longer, healthier lives, and one way to accomplish this is to be a responsible pet owner and take a greater part in your pet's health and wellness, including more check-ups annually, and investing in vet pet insurance for your pet's health needs.


Cat Health Exams

Each year, you should get a cat exam for your kitty. This is a routine exam, similar to a physical for a human. Having an exam done can prevent many diseases and illnesses that could have gone undetected without such an exam. The procedure is relatively quick and only lasts about twenty minutes. During this exam, your cat will be weighed, have their temperature taken and have their teeth looked at as well as getting their eyes and ears checked.

When your cat is in the exam room, this is the time to mention to your veterinarian any questions or bring up any concerns that you may have about how your cat has been acting. Depending on what kind of cat you have, they may have their hips checked or their wrinkles cleaned as well. Be sure to ask about diet as well as any kind of treats you should be giving your cat, if any.

Update your cat's shots while you are getting a cat exam. It is important to make sure that your cat is up-to-date on feline leukemia shots as well as rabies. Be sure to get tags for your cat so that they will not be hauled to "cat jail" at the animal shelter if they get picked up.

Are you familiar with the different veterinary surgical procedures your pets may sometimes need to undergo?

What you must know about veterinary surgical procedures

Common veterinary surgical procedures that most pets may need to have done once in their lifetime may include surgeries like spaying and neutering, dental veterinary surgery like tooth removal, removal of tartar and cleaning procedures. Accidents and emergencies in pets always need urgent veterinary surgical procedures. Fractures, deep wounds and cuts, and other conditions caused due to falls and slips are other conditions for which emergency veterinary surgical procedures will be needed.

Other difficult veterinary surgical procedures like hip replacement surgery, tumor removals, cataract removal, repair of torn ligaments, gastrointestinal and urogenital surgery may be need to be done in special centers that your family veterinarian may refer you to.

All veterinary surgical procedures do involve a moderate degree of expenses and then depending on where and who is doing the veterinary surgery the expenses may vary from affordable to very expensive. However, if you have a pet insurance plan that has veterinary surgical procedures included in the plan, you can give your pet the best veterinary care without having to worry so much about the costs incurred.

What is veterinary acupuncture?

Veterinary Acupuncture

Veterinary acupuncture first made an appearance in the United States in the 1970s, and has consistently become more popular with many doctors and pet owners. It consists of treatment of the entire animal and its needs, rather than simply treating symptoms or problems.

Vets who practice acupuncture must study the process and be certified before they can offer acupuncture services. Acupuncture has become especially popular in pain relief, treatment of some diseases, and many horse problems and illnesses.

Most veterinary pet insurance policies do not cover the costs of alternative treatments, such as acupuncture. However, you should check with your particular vet pet insurance company, because the practice is becoming much more common and accepted, and more companies may cover this type of treatment in the future.

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