Cat Dental Care Tips

Read these 3 Cat Dental Care Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pet Insurance tips and hundreds of other topics.

Cat Dental Care Tips has been rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings and 1 user reviews.

Feline Dental Disease

Cat dental is an important issue that many people overlook. There are millions of cats diagnosed with having feline dental disease each year, and each year hundreds of thousands of cats go untreated.

Tartar buildup is the most common dental problem in cats, something that can easily be treated by brushing your cats teeth regularly. When a cat has an excess of tartar build up on their teeth, it causes irritation to the gums and will eventually expose the roots of the teeth. This can cause their teeth to fall out or become infected, making it so that your cat cannot eat.

Diet of a cat does not have a very significant role in your cat's dental care. It is more about how often you clean their teeth. A professional cleaning should happen at least once a year. Toothbrushes and toothpaste specifically designed for cats can be purchased at your vet's office. Cat toothpaste is usually salmon or tuna flavored. A cat toothbrush looks very similar to the rubber mail sorters that you put on your thumb. They have little rubber brushes that your cat should chew on to get the toothpaste off and clean their teeth.

Feline dental disease can be an indication that your cat has feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency disease. If a cat suffers from dental disease, a veterinarian knows to check for these other diseases. If your cat suffers from very bad breath, is having problems eating or has a change in temperament, take your cat in and ask about dental disease.


Kitten Health Dental Care

Periodontitis is a cat health issue that begins as gingivitis in kittens. It is not the only dental disease that can be a cat health issue however. Endodontic lesions, periapical abscesses and fractured teeth can become a cat health issue. Diagnostic tests and x-rays may be needed to properly diagnose some dental problems.
Proper dental care is essential. This includes brushing your kittens teeth. The younger the kitten is when you start this kitten health care dental plan, the easier it will be to get your kitten to cooperate.
Feeding dry cat food instead of moist food can play a big role in kitten health. Dry food can help remove both tartar and plaque from your kitten or cat's teeth. Sugars found in the carbohydrates of some types of kitten and cat foods can also lead to dental problems.
Discuss dental cat health issue concerns with your veterinarian. Ask what products to give your kitten to promote dental health in kittens and cats. Some signs of possible problems will be obvious to you such as bad breath, poor appetite, loss of teeth and bleeding gums.
Other signs of dental disease such as gum recession or ulcers in the mouth may not be as noticeable. This is why regular check-ups from your veterinarian will help avoid potential kitten health problems that can become a cat health issue.


Bad Cat Teeth

Sometimes smelly, bad breath in cats is an indication that there could be something more wrong than just halitosis. Bad breath could be an indication of bad cat health, especially in cats that are older than six. If you suspect that this could be the case, take your cat to the vet immediately.

Cat treats should not make up more than ten percent of your cat's total diet. Even under the most dire of cases, cats shouldn't eat that many treats, it's bad for their digestive system and their teeth. If you insist on giving your cats treats, which isn't a bad thing, make them dental treats that clean their teeth and freshen their kitty breath as they chew on them.

If your kitty is younger than eight months, avoid giving them human food at all. It can severely hurt their sensitive digestion and possibly kill them depending on the specific food. Even when your cat gets older, human food should be kept to a minimum. You never know what your cat may be allergic to that the cat is not used to eating, to avoid this, stick to feeding them things that are approved by your veterinarian.

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