Pet Insurance for Ring Worms Tips

Read these 12 Pet Insurance for Ring Worms Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pet Insurance tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Can roundworms in dogs be treated effectively?

Roundworms in Dogs

Puppies can get roundworm from their mothers, even from drinking their mother's milk. Other animals including chickens and rodents can harbor roundworms too, and pass them on to dogs.

Roundworms can be fatal in young puppies, and they can harm older puppies and young dogs if left untreated. They are easily treated, but the treatments need to continue for several weeks. Many pet health care plans cover the treatment and diagnosis of roundworms in dogs because people can also carry the parasites, and infected dogs can infect people.

Puppies should be dewormed shortly after they are born (two to three weeks), and mothers should be dewormed before they give birth. Dogs can become susceptible to roundworms, so periodic treatments may be necessary. Check with your pet health plan company to see if they limit the number of roundworm treatments per year.

Do all pet health plans cover ringworm and parasite prevention treatments?

Ringworms in Dogs

Ringworms is a skin disease caused by a fungus. Vets sometimes treat them with topical treatments, or with tablets. Both can cure the disease quickly and effectively. People can get ringworms too, and dogs and cats can infect each other.

Be aware that some pet health plans do not cover preventative care for parasites and ringworm. Double check that your pet health plan covers ringworm and parasites. Some companies offer this coverage in a "wellness package" add-on.

It may take up to two weeks for the treatment to begin to eradicate this skin disease, so be patient with treatment and don't look for overnight results.

How does my cat get tapeworms?

Tapeworms in Cats

Tapeworms are carried by fleas and are of the most common worms found in cats. Cats are infected with tapeworms by swallowing a flea during grooming. Kittens can also be born with tapeworms. Once one cat is infected and the tapeworms multiply, all the cats in the household can become infected.

Tapeworms can cause a variety of symptoms in young cats, from diarrhea to lack of energy. In older cats, the symptoms can be more difficult to spot. If your cat has fleas, you should have your doctor test for tapeworms, and you should eliminate the fleas.

Most pet health plans offer treatment for tapeworms in cats as part of their preventative treatment coverage. The medication to treat and eliminate tapeworms is very expensive and it may not be covered by some basic pet health plans. If you're unsure, check with your pet health plan to see if worming treatments are covered for your cat.

What is ringworm in dogs?

Ringworms in Dogs

Ringworm isn't really a worm at all, it's actually a fungus. All animals can get ringworms, including humans. Dogs can get the fungus through open wounds or scratches. The condition shows up as broken or missing areas of hair surrounded by a dark ring or oval. The disease usually occur in young dogs and puppies.

Ringworm can be easily treated, and since it is spread by fungus, the home needs to be thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed to remove the spores. Most pet health plans cover routine treatment for ringworm, and dog-deworming to prevent parasites, too.

Since dogs can carry the disease without any outward signs, if one dog catches ringworm, it's best to have all your pets tested. Pet health plans should cover the cost of this multiple testing, too.

Do indoor pet owners have to worry about heartworms?

Don't Forget About Heartworms!

Heartworms have become much more prevalent in pets around the country, and can occur in dogs and cats, and are parasitic worms that can lead to heart failure in your pet.

Many pet health plans cover the cost of heartworm medications, visits to diagnose the condition, and treatments. Some pet health plans offer this coverage as part of their policy, while others offer it as an add-on at an extra cost. Usually, these add-ons will cover other health care check-ups and vaccinations, too.

Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes, and since those pesky bugs are often found inside the house, even indoor pets can be infected. Many vets recommend using heartworm medication during mosquito season as a preventative, so check with your pet health plan to make sure they cover the medications for prevention, too.


Dog Ring Worms and How to Treat It

Dog ring worms is a common type of fungus that can also affect cats and humans. In fact, ring worms are easily transmitted to pet owners. If necessary, ring worms will heal on its own in just a few months. If your dog has this uncomfortable condition, there are ways you can treat him in order to speed up the process. Read on for more information about dog ring worms and how to provide treatment to your beloved pooch.

It's easier for dogs to contract ring worms in climates that are hot and humid, but for some unknown reason the majority of ring worm cases occur during the fall and winter months. Dogs with this infection can release fungus spores into the air when they shed their hair. The spores can also infect grooming brushes, dog bedding or other areas that a dog may touch. These spores can live up to 18 months.

If your little Fido has ring worms, you will find small round lesions on his body. These lesions will be hairless and will have scaly patches of skin in the center. Dog ring worms are typically found on the legs, feet, tail and head. In order to treat this condition, the hair surrounding the lesions are clipped as close to the skin as possible. Anti-fungal creams and shampoos are applied to the dog in order to kill the infection. Natural treatments include treating the dog with a topical application of tea tree oil and Neem oil.


Cat Worms

Purchasing a pet health plan when your cat is still a kitten is the best thing that you could do for them. Most insurance companies won't insure your pet when they get over a certain age because there are multiple health problems that can and do occur in some breeds. If you get insurance for your pet when they are young, you can help prevent many health issues before they arise.

Cat worms are serious business. When a cat has worms, the worms eat everything that the cat does so they are left with no nutrients and can die from this. If you notice that your cat has worms, take them to the vet immediately for treatment. They will be given a shot to kill off the worms.

Checking for worms is easy, inspect the litter box regularly when you clean it out. Make sure that none of your cat's leavings look like they have rice in them, if they do, your cat has worms. Purchasing an over the counter de-wormer can help your cat in maintaining healthy digestion. Give your cat this treatment once a month to help prevent worms.


How To Know If Your Cat Has Ring Worms

Ringworms are a fungal infection that occurs whenever your cat digs in infected soil or is has skin contact with an infected animal or human. It is easy to see cat ring worms. There are several ways in which they will appear. First, look for a circular patter on your cat’s head or limbs. Secondly, look for patchy areas of bald skin where the skin will appear dry, flaky or itchy. Third, look for red pimples or bumps that spread out in the shape of an oval. If you have an ultraviolet light you can shine it on any of these things and if your cat has ring worms, 50% of the time they will glow a fluorescent green color. However, since only 50% of the strains will appear, this is not a fool proof method. So, whenever you see any of the signs of ring worms, your best bet is to take your cat to a vet so that they can have their lab do a cat hair culture in order to determine exactly what type of fungus is present and how to properly treat it.

How can I prevent worms in my dogs?

Preventing Worms in Dogs

Intestinal parasites like worms can be treated and prevented by using medications commonly available at most vets. Many vets recommend keeping pets on Heartgard, a heartworm preventative, year-round to keep worms at bay. This is because worms can live just about anywhere, and you can't see them.

Most pet health plans understand that worms can lead to a host of other health problems for dogs and cats, and so they cover the cost of prevention and treatment. In fact, heartworms can be fatal if left untreated. Often, treatment is as simple as giving medication to the pet for several days to eradicate the worms.

Since puppies and kittens can be born with worms, it's a good idea to have all your pets tested periodically. Most pet health plans cover the cost of this preventative, too.

Can indoor cats get worms, too?

Worms and Your Cat

Outdoor cats can be more susceptible to tapeworms and other parasites, as well as a host of other health issues. That's why many pet health plans offer discounts to cat owners who keep their pets indoors.

However, indoor cats can catch worms too, and some types of worms can be very dangerous if they aren't treated. Heartworms are extremely hazardous, and very common in cats. These worms live inside the heart, are very difficult to eradicate, and can lead to heart failure.

The best way to treat cat worms is to give a preventative treatment, such as Heartgard, throughout the year. Some worms are eradicated with just a few treatments, while others are more stubborn. Pet health care companies recognize the danger and expense of treating worms in cats, and that's why they offer coverage to treat these health issues.

What are some of the symptoms of worms in dogs?

Symptoms of Worms in Dogs

Unfortunately, it can be very tricky to spot worm symptoms in dogs. Some dogs will scoot their behinds along the ground to ease itching, and this can be a sign of certain worms, like tapeworms.

Most worms however, must be diagnosed under a microscope by a vet. If worms are found, the dog will need treatment for the worms to keep them from spreading. Some can spread to humans, and most can spread to other dogs and cats.

Check with your pet health plan to see what types of diagnosis they require or will pay for before you take your pet in for a diagnosis. Some pet health plans consider worm prevention to be the owner's responsibility, and do not cover it in their health plans.

Can my dog get tapeworms again after being treated for them?

Dog Tapeworms

Tapeworms are common in dogs, but can go unnoticed by your veterenarian in routine exams. Unfortunately, it's usually pet owners who spot the worms on the outside of their dog's body – and they can be quite disturbing to see.

Tapeworms are easily treated, and most pet health plans cover treatment and prevention of these worms. Treatment is very expensive, so getting a pet health plan early in a dog's life can help defray the costs of worming, if it's necessary.

If the fleas that cause tapeworms aren't removed from the home as well, then a dog can get reinfected very quickly. Pet health plans cover flea treatments and medications, too, which will help defray the costs of eradicating fleas from the area.

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